About Me

Hi there, my name is Leán. Thank you for being here and for looking deeper into what we are here at Wilde Media Productions.

Here is my story, in a short and concise paragraph.

I grew up completely in love with music, i taught myself everything that i know from hours and hours of research and time consuming trial and error. However, this has led me to an area in my life where i am comfortable with producing quality music and where I am comfortable teaching this to as many people as i can. I believe that time wasting time trying to find the right resources and trail and error should be avoided, and so i am here to provide the best services in music that i possibly can.

Photography and videography are two of the newest editions to my arsenal. I started learning about these to facets a while ago and i am by no means a full on expert in these fields, but what i can say is that i have a vivid imagination and as my slogan says, here at Wilde Media Productions we turn imagination into reality. Therefore, I can assure you that anything you have in mind of what you may want, i will provide this for you to the best quality that i can deliver.

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